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- #ifndef DOS_VAR_H
- #define DOS_VAR_H 1
- /*
- ** var.h for ACE Basic
- **
- ** Note: Translated to ACE by ConvertC2ACE
- ** @ MapMeadow Software, Nils Sjoholm
- **
- **
- ** Date: 09/02/95
- **
- **
- */
- /*
- ** This are the StructPointer defines for var.h
- */
- #ifndef LocalVarPtr
- #define LocalVarPtr ADDRESS
- #endif
- /*
- ** End of StructPointer defines for var.h
- */
- #ifndef EXEC_NODES_H
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #endif
- /* the structure in the pr_LocalVars list */
- /* Do NOT allocate yourself, use SetVar()!!! This structure may grow in */
- /* future releases! The list should be left in alphabetical order, and */
- /* may have multiple entries with the same name but different types. */
- STRUCT LocalVar
- Node lv_Node
- SHORTINT lv_Flags
- ADDRESS lv_Value
- LONGINT lv_Len
- /*
- * The lv_Flags bits are available to the application. The unused
- * lv_Node.ln_Pri bits are reserved for system use.
- */
- /* bit definitions for lv_Node.ln_Type: */
- #define LV_VAR 0 /* an variable */
- #define LV_ALIAS 1 /* an alias */
- /* to be or'ed into type: */
- #define LVB_IGNORE 7 /* ignore this entry on GetVar, etc */
- #define LVF_IGNORE &H80
- /* definitions of flags passed to GetVar()/SetVar()/DeleteVar() */
- /* bit defs to be OR'ed with the type: */
- /* item will be treated as a single line of text unless BINARY_VAR is used */
- #define GVB_GLOBAL_ONLY 8
- #define GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY &H100
- #define GVB_LOCAL_ONLY 9
- #define GVF_LOCAL_ONLY &H200
- #define GVB_BINARY_VAR 10 /* treat variable as binary */
- #define GVF_BINARY_VAR &H400
- #define GVB_DONT_NULL_TERM 11 /* only with GVF_BINARY_VAR */
- #define GVF_DONT_NULL_TERM &H800
- /* this is only supported in >= V39 dos. V37 dos ignores this. */
- /* this causes SetVar to affect ENVARC: as well as ENV:. */
- #define GVB_SAVE_VAR 12 /* only with GVF_GLOBAL_VAR */
- #define GVF_SAVE_VAR &H1000
- #endif /* DOS_VAR_H */